Acro® S-2

Follow along on an exciting journey in the Swedish forest and learn more about moose hunting with the use of a red dot sight!
Moose hunting is perhaps the type of hunting that entices the most hunters to leave behind the comforts of home for a week – or even two. But although there’s a time limit to the moose hunting season, I live with it most of the year. The period before and after the moose hunting season is a very big part of life when you keep elkhounds at home on the farm and need to train them (both physical and mentally), recharge, and also keep up with your own off-season training and target practice.
When all the puzzle pieces finally fall into place, your dog is holding the moose at bay, and it’s time to sneak up on your prey, there are many parameters to take into account and much to consider. In that moment, the absolutely crucial factor, first and foremost, is the wind. If you need to make a circumventing movement, always choose the safest variant.