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"A lot of effort has been put into the details of the VR scenarios, to make it as realistic as possible. This includes the anatomy of the wild game, ballistics, and the stunning scenery in the scenarios."

Improve your shooting skills with GAIM

Improve your shooting skills with GAIM

How to become a better hunter with GAIM

Aimpoint is dedicated to always deliver the highest quality and innovative products. Also, we take firearm training very seriously and recognize that regular practice is essential. This focus on innovation and shooting training explains why Aimpoint started the subsidiary GAIM. Their first shooting simulator was developed to showcase the performance of an Aimpoint red dot sight in a simulated VR environment. The latest product GAIM Compact makes it possible for a hunter to train in a professional simulator at home. 

Advanced VR training with valuable analysis

A lot of effort has been put into the details of the VR scenarios, to make it as realistic as possible. This includes the anatomy of the wild game, ballistics, and the stunning scenery in the scenarios. The hunting situations are created to replicate reality. Hit zones that are recommended for hunters with the goal of taking ethical and efficient shots is part of the conditions. The trigger mechanism is designed as close to a real one as possible. This replicates a real situation and makes you ready for reality. Without having to take time to go to the shooting range you can achieve a realistic and efficient training in your own home.

SimPro is an analysis tool that gives you a unique opportunity to evaluate your shooting, learn from experience and become a better hunter. You get a precise tracking of your barrel movement and you know exactly how you enter the target, how you swing through the target and where you release the shot. 

You can use SimPro to finetune your technique. Then you can practice several hunting scenarios and different wild game. It offers a 360 degree shooting experience and you can shoot in whatever direction you want. It includes rules such as forbidden shooting directions, game that is not allowed and backstop.

After each scenario you get a summary and a possibility to view a replay of each shot. You see where you place the majority of your shots and get a detailed analysis.

Upplev fördelarna med ett rödpunktsikte från Aimpoint

Alla GAIM-scenarier skjuts med ett Aimpoint-sikte. Du skjuter med båda ögonen öppna, vilket innebär att du bibehåller situationsmedvetenhet. Du ser också tydligt den röda pricken på målet och får därav en ökad träffsannolikhet. Du placerar bara instinktivt den röda punkten på målet och trycker av. Kombinationen av enkelhet, snabbhet, precision och tillförlitlighet är given.

Static and moving targets

With the SimPro module you can practice on static animals as well as running game. It is a perfect tool to see how speed and distance affects shooting at running game and how this influences the lead. It gives you a good exercise to understand and analyse your shooting which is hard to achieve on the shooting range.


Read more of our stories

Take part in our shooting adventures and hunting experiences. The content comes from experienced hunters and professional users in the form of articles, videos, how-to guides and other practical information that will help you to get the most out of your sight from Aimpoint.

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