Acro® S-2

We always recommend that you buy your Aimpoint® product from an authorized dealer and keep in mind that if you buy a sight online and the price is too good to be true, then it is probably a copy/counterfeit. Should you have a question or need advice on how to purchase authentic Aimpoint products, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Aimpoint® trademarks and many of our product designs are protected by patents and registrations throughout the world.
We vigorously defend all of our trademarks, copyrights, designs and patents. We shall take firm and swift action, using all available and appropriate legal means, against any persons found to be dealing in counterfeit copies of our products, violations of our trademarks or unauthorized use of our intellectual property. This may involve both civil and criminal proceedings.
This is a guide to recognize a genuine Aimpoint sight and thereby identify a counterfeit/copy.
For product registration and validation of your Aimpoint product, click here.
If you have any doubts about the authenticity of a Aimpoint product, contact us contact us here.
Counterfeit sights are most common on the below listed sight models.
Please use the descriptions of what to look out for when buying these models along with an image of the genuine sight model in the list below.
For both Micro T-1™ and Micro T-2™ it applies that the Aimpoint logotype shall be black and be located on the side of the sight
In July 2017 a two-year case in Spanish courts against the owner of several airsoft stores for selling counterfeit Aimpoint products ends. The individual was sentenced to 6 months in prison and forced to pay thousands of dollars in damages and fines. In 2012, Spanish authorities raided the stores and confiscated the illegal sights.